Debt Collection & Enforcement of Foreign Judgements
Duncan Grehan & Partners are skilled and experienced in debt collection procedures and the enforcement of foreign court judgements in Ireland. We have been collecting debts on behalf of Irish and foreign suppliers to the Irish market for some 30 years and we have a particular reputation for legal issues of trade between Ireland and the German speaking countries of Austria, Germany and Switzerland. Many of our staff are German speakers. We assist private and commercial Irish and international clients in the recovery of debts in Ireland and the enforcement of foreign judgements.
Jurisdiction & Costs for Debt Collection in Ireland:
District Court: Claims up to €15,000.00
Circuit Court: Claims between €15,001.00 - €75,000.00
High Court: Claims in excess of €75,001.00
Our debt collection costs take account of these monetary jurisdictions and the costs involved in the processing of debt collection claims. We can provide you with a cost quotation and a letter outlining the procedure within a day of receiving your request.
The judgments of foreign courts in countries which are not party to any international Convention for mutual recognition or court judgments, to which Ireland is also a party, are not automatically enforceable under Irish law. In many cases new proceedings before the competent Irish court will have to be issued and served by the claimant on the respondent and the claim will have to be proven.
The Convention within the European Union dated from 1968, knows as the Brussels Convention, provides for jurisdiction, recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters. The enforcement of foreign judgments in Ireland issued in a Member State of the European Union will be dependent on the nature of the judgement in question. We regularly act for international clients in respect of the enforcement of foreign judgments which fall within the remit of the following regulations:
- Council Regulation (EC) No. 44/2001 – the Brussels I Regulation;
- Regulation (EU) No. 1215/2012- the Recast Brussels Regulation: This Regulation applies to the same category of judgments under the Brussels I Regulation delivered from 10 January 2015.
- Regulation (EC) No. 805/2004 – European Enforcement Orders which deal with uncontested claims.
- Regulation (EC) No. 1896/2006 which deals with European Orders for Payment.
The method of enforcement of a judgement secured in Ireland or a foreign judgement will depend on the circumstances of each case, for example, whether the debtor is an individual or a company. We can provide advice on a range of enforcement options.
If you need to arrange a telephone or face-to-face with an expert in Debt Collection & Enforcement of Foreign Judgements, then email or click the button below and fill out our contact form.